
Interactive #

When running in RunMode.CONSOLE, you have an interactive shell while the graph is running.

  • Press Enter to see the currently running jobs.
  • Type Help and press Enter to list the available commands.

Commands #

  • abort - kill all currently running jobs, do not start new ones and finish graph execution as soon as safely possible
  • stop - Let the current jobs finish, but do not start new ones, finishing once the current batch is done
  • die - Kill the ppg2 manager process (and all it’s children). Do not record history. Perfectly unsafe.
  • again - after the graph ends (because it has evaluated all jobs, was stopped or aborted), restart the current process.
  • stop_and_again - combines stop and again
  • kill - Kill a running job by it’s number (not job_id). Numbers are listed in the enter view.